Tastie's | Handbook

Tastie’s Official Handbook - 2021

Here at Tastie’s we strive to provide our customers with the best quality baked pastries on offer, including a range of donuts, cakes and cookies! We also serve fresh, hot beverages with a wide range of flavours to choose from. Our cafe is one-of-a-kind and provides a safe space for people to interact and have fun!

Table of Contents

1. Code Of Conduct

Although we want to create an overall relaxed environment at Tastie’s we do have a few requirements which we would like everyone to follow to ensure that the experiences and facilities we provide can be enjoyable and welcoming for everyone. Below is our Code Of Conduct which we ask all Tastie’s members to abide by, and if this is broken, various punishments can be taken against the offending users depending on their position in the group.

General Guidelines

Group & Discord

  • Do not troll in any form, including spamming, lying about a serious matter or posing in a position you are not in.

  • Do not be disrespectful or cause drama of any kind, including bashing other groups.

  • Racism, homophobia and transphobia is not allowed in any shape or form.

  • Be respectful of other people’s opinions and stances on different subjects, even if you don’t agree with them.

  • Do not advertise your projects within any Tasties facilities.

  • Do not use excessive caps, only shorter words are allowed e.g - LOL, OMG.

Breaking any one of these offenses will lead to a warning. After 3 warnings you may be removed from the space, or face a demotion (LR+).

Worker Guidelines


  • Do not claim a certain register as being yours. If you were getting an order and someone came to your space, that is fair, although if you left the counter and came back this does not mean your space is reserved for you.
  • Do not point cheat.
  • Use grammar as often as possible, occasional mistakes are fine, however complete lack of grammar is not accepted from workers.
  • Do not ask for promotions, they are earned through points or trainings.
  • Do not argue with your co-workers.

Breaking any one of these offenses will lead to a warning. After 3 warnings you may face a demotion.

2. Ally Information

At Tastie’s we are always looking for new opportunities to partner with groups and extend our community outreach while supporting one another in our partnership. We consider this to be a key element to a successful establishment. Below you can find our requirements and questions if you are interested in applying to form an alliance with us!


  • Must have at least 5000 members.

  • An established staff team.

  • Promote our events (and vice versa).

  • Good standing in the community.

  • Be a restaurant, cafe or hotel.


  1. Why are you interested in allying with Tastie’s?
  2. What do you hope to get from this partnership?
  3. What are some notable moments in your group’s history that you are the most proud of?
  4. How did you discover Tastie’s?
  5. Do you understand that if your group breaks any of the requirements above that we have the right to end our partnership?

Once you have completed the application, please send it to any member of our Relations Team via discord for it to be reviewed, and they will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

3. Rank Information

Below are the descriptions of each obtainable position in Tastie’s and what is expected as part of the role.

Low Ranks

Trainee Pastry Chef - The first worker position obtainable after applying.

Junior Pastry Chef - The second worker position obtainable after attending a training and passing.

Experienced Pastry Chef - The third worker position obtainable after attending a training and passing as a Junior Pastry Chef.

Head Pastry Chef - The fourth worker position obtainable after attending a training and passing as an Experienced Pastry Chef.

Professional - The final worker position obtainable after attending a spectating session once. A limited amount of spectators are chosen for each spectating session.

Middle Ranks

Staff Intern - Obtainable after taking and passing the Staff Intern application. Can shadow in trainings and has moderator admin commands.

Staff Assistant - Obtainable by being promoted by an Operations Officer+. Can train in trainings and has moderator admin commands.

Supervisor - Obtainable by being promoted by an Operations Officer+. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands.

Assistant Manager - Obtainable by being promoted by an Operations Officer+. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands.

Manager - Obtainable by being promoted by an Operations Officer+. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands.

High Ranks

Executive - Obtainable by being promoted by a Vice President. Can strike SI to Supervisor for breaking the code of conduct. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands. Can be in a department.

Relations Officer -

Obtainable by being promoted by a Vice President. Can strike SI to Manager for breaking the code of conduct. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands. The leaders of the Relations Department - checks and decides on ally applications and leads events.

Operations Officer -
Obtainable by being promoted by a Vice President. Can strike SI to Executive for breaking the code of conduct. Can train, co-host and host in trainings and has admin admin commands. The leaders of the Operations Department - checks and decides on SI applications and manages strikes, blacklists and terminations.

4. Developer Information

Developer Hiring Status: Closed

If you have any further questions, please contact a member of our High Rank team or above.