Tattoof - Original Tattoo Company

Tattoof is a project I had in mind for quite some time, and I finally made it happen. It is basically a clothing company that revolves around tattoos. I am making this post because although there are thousands of other shirts with “tattoos” on the platform, I believe none actually nail the job, mostly being in the same style and not offering any variation from colour to design (Catalog - Roblox).

You can check out Tattoof’s store here: Tattoof - Roblox

Any feedback is very appreciated. :pray:


I’ve never encountered a clothing group or game that specifically focuses on tattoos, which makes your group unique in my eyes! I think it’s a great idea myself.

My only feedback is to also include a variety of shirts and styles, maybe some more feminine styled clothing as well. Also perhaps some shirts with just tattoos so people can select “pants” with a shirt of their choice.


Your tattoos are pretty different from those others uploaded in roblox. Good job!

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I like the idea of a clothing store focused on tattoos, the designs of some of them are quite unique but there are others that…

Captura de pantalla (131)
Some of the tattoos here doesn’t fit very well with the skin colors of some avatars (like mine in this pic)
and they give a weird sleeve vibe.

These mistakes can be solved don’t worry, i hope my best for the group and remember to invest in advertisement.

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Thank you for the feedback, much appreciated.

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Thanks for the feedback! I will make more clothing types to go with the tattoos in the near future. :slightly_smiling_face:

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