TaylorDev_RBLX Portfolio

About Me

Hi there! I am available for commissions and part time as a LUA programmer and project management. I specialize in planning games, organisation of teams and production as well as programming. I have been programming in LUA for 4 years on Roblox and have previously worked on many projects.

Overview of SOME past experience:

Past Experience:

Team Lava Escape | Empowering Games; Programmer and Lead Dev

VIDEO GAMEPLAY - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tC9CzwIXfU0
I started TLE Developement soon after coming up with the idea of Team Lava Escape. A 2 player game in which players help each other in a round based game where they escape lava by hitting buttons for each other to help them both progress and escape. I had to come up with ideas, get a team and programme parts of the game like SOME parts of the rounds, buttons and parkour, UI programming, ext.

I also had to be in charge of social media’s such as tweets about the game, announcements and editing/putting together promotional videos like the 2 above.

Roles: Project Manager/Leadership, Social Media and Programmer
GAME: Team Lava Escape - Roblox

Key Thief | Empowering Games; Programmer and Lead Dev

Game Trailer - https://youtu.be/bgssALB-x_o

I came up withe the idea of Key Thief and was determined to produce the game. I gathered a team featuring a soundtrack composer, guns animator, guns modeller and map designers aloneside myself programming the game get the finalised game.

Key Thief is a First Person Shooter game in which players are split into 2 teams both with the end goal of finding the key hidden randomly around the map and returning it to their team base. The first team to reach 3 keys or the team with the most keys by the end of the tie breaker wins!

Roles: Project Manager/Leadership and Programmer
GAME: Key Thief [ALPHA] - Roblox

Tag Mania: Air Assault | Voxels Games; Rounds System Programming

VIDEO OF COMMISSION: https://youtu.be/8j-83mClfkc
The owner of Voxels Games and Voxels™ Global UGC asked me in Mid August 2024 to do a commission for the new Voxels Games Studio on a game called ‘Tag Mania: Air Assault’

Here I worked on programming the rounds system including selecting maps and taggers, tag system, cutscenes, private server/admin commands, Music volume and Player Stats UI.

Role: Programmer
GAME: {This game is currently not released, This will be updated soon!}

Tag Mania: Air Assault | Voxels Games; 3rd Party database integration

VIDEO OF COMMISSION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3tch_hhC7c
The owner of Voxels Games once again asked me to an intresting comission. This time it involved me doing a lot of research into API endpoints to bring a table of key infomation to a Roblox game/project and also be able to edit that table of data which can be read that way across as many servers as the game has open.

This was a very tricky commission to achieve as there is such little infomation online as to how to do it. I’ll be open sourcing infomation on how this was achieved on the Roblox DevForums in the coming weeks!

Role: Programmer, DataBase Management
GAME: {This game is currently not released, This will be updated soon!}

CyberJump | Right Click Games; Final puzzle and ending Programmer

VIDEO OF COMMISSION - https://youtu.be/-5CynyLYsA4
I was hired as commission by Right Click Games to make a server puzzle where the player has to make sure that all the servers are set ot red when one of them are randomly selected to go down to unlock the ending of the game. I made the camera effects, server puzzle, door openings and fade to end GUI and scripting

Role: Programmer
GAME: CyberJump - Roblox

40 MILES OUT ROBLOXIA | Right Click Games; Main Menu Programmer

VIDEO OF COMMISSION - https://youtu.be/mGobJgzYxwo

I was hired as commission by Right Click Games to make a main menu for one of their games. I made the camera effects, UI, update logs, credits, open world and single player.

Role: UI Designer, Programmer

Substance Painter Texturing Experience

I have experience in PBR texturing using substance painter.


Game Jams Participated:

PIGGY: The Halloween Maze. | TheUnknownDevXx; Programmer and Gameplay Director

VIDEO OF PART OF GAMEPLAY - https://youtu.be/XD3smCdgMbk
A week before halloween in 2023, TheUnknownDevXx invited me to join the dev team for a quick halloween themed project for fun. I reimagined the concept of the game from the basic piggy style to a more task related, mysterious game as well as programming everything together.

My idea’s changed the gameplay of the game. Changing it from finding keys to unlock doors to a game where you must complete tasks to unlock orbs and escape. Recommend checking it out!

Role: Programmer, Gameplay Ideas/Project Management
GAME: [PIGGY]: The Halloween Maze. - Roblox

OVERRIDE⚠️ (Roblox Developer Challenge 2025); Programmer, Sound Artist, Thumbnail Designer and Lighting Artist

VIDEO OF PART OF GAMEPLAY - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpI17X_v9SU&t=375s

I decided to join a team and partisipate in the 2025 Roblox Developer Challenge Gamejam with a team of 4 others that I had never met before. We came up with the idea of the player being a new employee at Roblox completing tasks in Roblox Studio but thing’s take a turn for the worst.

I was put in charge of the builderman fight and final chase programming sequence as well as creating the fight and chase music additionally with the office ambience. I also created the atmosphere lighting for the game and created thumbnails in Photopea.

Role: Programmer, Sound Artist, Thumbnail Designer and Lighting Artist
GAME: OVERRIDE ⚠️ - Roblox


I am slowly becoming available for commissions only! If you are intrested then send me a DM on Discord (User: taylordev_rblx), X or on the DevForums!


I am selectively available for small commissions currently. This is expected to change back to full availability in may!

Last Updated: 22nd of March 2025


Prices will very based on complexity and how good your project seems to be in terms of it’s end goal during in-dev phases or how well it is doing. I accept Robux and USD/GBP (via PayPal) payment for my work.


The best way to contact me via Discord. My username is taylordev_rblx

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Open-Sourced assets:

Sometimes, I open source my assets for anyone to use for their own games to help with production. Here is a list of some assets I’ve open sourced for public use with free rights to use in Roblox Games/Experiences!

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