[TCA] Ranks and Promotions


TCA is made from trained users who are trusted to defend the homeland and fight for what is needed. To ensure organized operation and order, each of these users are given their appropriate rank, showing their authority and devotion.

Promotions are given to users depending on activity:

  • Junior enlisted ranks can be promoted by attending training exercises.
  • NCO’s and higher ranks should be hosting or co-hosting training exercises frequently.


Junior Enlisted Ranks

Junior Enlistees are the backbone of the army, making up a majority of troops. Responsible for carrying out orders given by NCO’s or higher, they ensure success of the army’s operations.

  • Private [PVT]

  • Private [PV2]

  • Private [PFC]

  • Specialist [SPC]

Non-commissioned Officer Ranks

Senior enlisted ranks of the army, users with these ranks have proven themselves capable of earning their first level of authority. NCO’s are granted permission to command soldiers of lower ranks and lead training exercises.

  • Corporal [CPL]

  • Sergeant [SGT]

  • Staff Sergeant [SSG]

  • Master Sergeant [MSG]

Company Grade Officer Ranks

Combat leader, advisor, and expert fighter. CGO’s are entry-level commissioned officers that have proven themselves worthy in the entire spectrum of skills.

  • Lieutenant [LT]

  • Captain [CPT]

Field Grade Officer Ranks

FGO’s are an experienced group of ranks within the army, with capability of leading troops and battles on a largescale basis.

  • Major [MAJ]

  • Colonel [COL]

General Grade Officer Ranks

Generals are amongst the best users known within TCA. Leading the army and paving the way for a great future.

  • Brigadier General [BG]

  • Major General [MG]

  • Lieutenant General [LTG]

  • General [GEN]

  • General of the Army [GA]