TCF | Rank System

The Crimson Front is a Militaristic-Authoritarianism, separated into numerous colonies and divisions which can be found here. Naturally, there is a political and militaristic hierarchy. The following guide will describe the power held by each colony, faction, party and rank as well as how progression works within the Front.


The political structure is as follows:

Emperor & Dominus

  • The sole leaders of The Crimson Front. Together they hold all political power, which can then be delegated to members of the senate. Can veto any motion.


  • Directorates form the Directorial Committee, serves as the “High Council”, effectively an ethics board set in-place to safeguard the Front and moderate the senate.


  • Delegated one or more colonies by the Emperor/Dominus, oversees the senate.


  • Members delegated political power by the Emperor/Dominus, puts forward motions to change aspects of the Front.

All political power is solely held by the Emperor and Dominus, who together form the Imperators. According to the Imperators’ will, this political power can be delegated and revoked as deemed fit. Viceroys have full jurisdiction over their own colonies, however must comply with motions voted in by the senate or Directorial Committee.

Military leaders are not part of the political structure.


Within The Crimson Front, merit points (thx @ClanLabs) can be earnt at events which go towards your next rank. Once the required number of merit points are earnt, the user can progress to the next rank.

Note: This does not apply to the political hierarchy.

A member is able to view their accumulated merit points by navigating to the #bot cmds channel of the discord and typing “?merit NAME”.


Merit points are awarded at the discretion of the event supervisor, which can be done by changing the users merit points ingame with the following command: :change {USERNAME} merit x, i.e :change byc14 merit 1.

At the end of the event, the supervisor will then run the command :endsession, which shuts down the server and awards the merit.

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