[TDW] Celvestia's Resurgence FAQ

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The Dark Warriors

Resurgence FAQ

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - Resurgence FAQ
[4.0] - Additional Information
[5.0] - Conclusion

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:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

This document will go over the frequently asked questions about Resurgence on a more in-depth scale. The FAQ will provide screenshots as well with sketches showing where specific things are located for the convenience of anyone who is interested about Resurgence. They can also be used for your ‘battle plans’. Section 3 will go over the most common FAQ so don’t expect everything to be posted up there. Thanks for taking the time to look over our FAQ document and we hope you enjoy your time at Resurgence!

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | Resurgence FAQ]:black_small_square:

These are some of the most popular and frequently asked questions regarding Resurgence. Read them carefully and diligently.

How do the spawns work at Resurgence?

Retruvians have two spawning ports while Celvestia has two spawn buildings. One Retruvian spawn is further from Point C while the other spawn is closer to Point C. The Celvestian spawn that’s inside the city itself (the one across from the clothing shop) spawns further from Point C than the Retruvian port that spawns right across from the six towers underneath the archway. Celvestians also spawn at the nomads building which spawns closer to the weapons & items shop and it’s across from Point C. However, we spawn on the other side of the nomads building so we have to walk all the way around the building first. Therefore, each spawn is respectively closer to one Point in-comparison to the other which creates a balance. We also made it so each Retruvian port has 4 spawns which adds up to a total of 8 spawns for Retruvians split between both the ports. Compare this to the Celvestian spawns where both buildings have a total of 10 spawns which adds up to 20. This means that Retruvians have a much easier and higher chance of spawning at the ports they’d want to spawn at in-comparison to the Celvestian spawns. Celvestians have a much lower chance at spawning at their favorite building because of the vast number of spawns compared to the Retruvians. Retruvians also have the boat shops at their spawns which grants them faster access to purchasing boats which can be used to go around and use the ‘secret’ boat passage to get inside the base faster to reach Point H faster than TDW. In the pictures below one of them will show where the Celvestian and Retruvians spawns are and the other will show potential paths (but not all of them) that you can take to Point C. Each “R” represents 2 spawns and each port has two R’s which means each port has 4 spawns for a total of 8. Each “T” represents 10 spawns scattered around the building. All of this also factors in Point C’s 600 second timer.

How do Points C & H work and where are they located?

Point C represents 600 seconds and Point H represents 600 seconds. Like most standard terminals it’s 1200 seconds, however, the difference between our terminal system and everyone else is how Point C & H function when captured completely. How it works is you must capture Point C to 100% first before going to Point H. Once you capture Point C, which is 600 seconds, and it’s 100% then it’s forever locked. This means that Retruvians no longer have to worry about those 600 seconds and only need to focus on the remaining 600 seconds in-comparison to how most standard terminals work. When you raid a generic sword/gun base they’ll probably have a 1200 second terminal and let’s say you’re at 500/1200 and it gets reset, now you have to start all over again from 0. In this scenario if you capture C then C is locked and only H remains which benefits the Retruvians a lot. There will be no rollback on this system because Point C is 600 seconds and it’s always heavily contested during defenses which would be a major setback for defenders. It’s balanced and favors Retruvians enough as it is. To locate Point C and Point H just press the “Show Terminals/Shops” button to see where everything is and then you just walk towards them. But here’s a picture showing where Point C and H are (Point C is inside of a building while Point H is secured behind a red gate past the two towers and right below the monstrous power cell tower. In the following pictures the green circle represents the pads you stand on to capture the Points, the blue circle represents Point C & H, and the red represents the red gate that protects Point H as well as the hallway approaching Point H.

How does capturing work for Points C & H?

For one person it takes around 10 seconds to capture a Point, however, if there’s more than one person then it will take around 5-8 seconds depending on how many are actually capturing it with you. However, if Point C and/or H is contested with people from both sides present and fighting around the Point then the system will search for whichever team has more players present on the Point and it will register the capture to that team with more players present on the Point. So even if you’re fighting someone the Point will capture it for the team with more players even while you’re fighting (which is why some people start screeching “INSTANT CAPTURE” when it was actually capturing it for the team with more players present on the Point the entirety of the time).

Does afterlife capturing happen?

Nope. Thanks to Zetsu’s scripting there’s a setting where we can disable body capping.

Are credits and swords balanced and fair?

Every player receives 5 credits per minute, however, it depends on what time you join the server. One kill counts as 15 credits for everybody as well. Swords are all the same considering you buy the same exact one as anyone else from the same weapons & items shop. You’re more than welcome to test it on your own time. However, if you’re genuinely suspicious of us then the Venerius will be more than happy to do a recording session of him opening studio (without previously updating the base, shown on video as well) to show you all how the swords look like and how they’re organized into folders in the shop as well.

Why are there healing drinks and speed coils in the shop?

Have you seen how large the base is? Speed coils help with getting around and healing drinks make the event more challenging and fun. Not to mention the other swords you can purchase for yourself to use. The weapons & items shop made defenses a lot more interesting and fun and a lot of clans have admitted to it. If you don’t like it you don’t need to raid Resurgence.

Are there any secrets that the Retruvians should know of?

Everything in Resurgence can be accessed by all teams present fairly. It’s up to you to scout ahead of time to identify all the potential paths, camping spots, choke points, and so on.

Why do you have vehicles?

They make defenses a lot more fun and interesting. Plus you get around a lot faster and the vehicles are compatible with swords. They don’t go too fast but they’re fast enough to get to places without sustaining too much damage from people you pass by. Not to mention a vehicle’s explosion can be used strategically. It just adds to the overall experience and you should be more open-minded.

Why is there game passes and developer product purchases?

The game passes themselves can easily be bought inside the weapons & items shop within the first few minutes of the defense. It’s just there to make extra robux for the group and it doesn’t make that much of a difference if you own it. However, it does help with earning credits faster by stacking up on more kills at the beginning. But it doesn’t make much of a difference since everyone ends up buying a better sword than the game pass sword. Dev products are there because we make about 100-500 robux a defense off of them so we won’t take them down as they’re a good source of funding. You can earn credits pretty quickly if you can earn yourself some kills. If not, then you can buy credits.

Can both the inner and outer gate be opened?

Yes, they can be opened. However, it’s up to you to locate the controls.

Is there anything else I need to know?

All of Resurgence’ rules are found here. The ‘Remove Neon/Particles’ button helps with performance issues in-case people are struggling with lag at the base. The Capital has been with us since late 2013 and has went through numerous versions with Resurgence being the latest one. The original Capital can be found here. When you’re at Resurgence we go by the ‘Raid Time’ at the top to keep track of how long the raid/defense has went on for. It’s a lot easier and simpler than trying to go by time zones. When raiding Resurgence you better come with a plan, otherwise you’re going to experience a very heavy defeat by the hands of Celvestia. Everything else is up to you to discover in Resurgence. Good luck!

:black_small_square:[4.0 | Additional Information]:black_small_square:

If you feel as if a question was left out of the previous section then you may PM/DM the Venerius himself about what’s concerning you. Same goes for if you have any other concerns or suggestions about Resurgence as they can also be directed towards the Venerius himself (he built up Resurgence on his own so he will know the most about her and her history). You can approach S & V Grade members on topics regarding Resurgence, however, it’s recommended that you approach the Venerius directly for the best possible response.

:black_small_square:[5.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

Thank you for reading over our FAQ document. We hope it answered some of your burning questions in-regards to Resurgence. The purpose of this document is to cover some of those false claims floating around about the Capital whenever a clan is on the brink of defeat. You know what we’re talking about. It’s their responsibility to educate themselves on Resurgence and how she works. We have provided all the materials necessary for their scouts to properly dissect the Capital including this FAQ document. Anyways, if you’re part of the bunch that doesn’t scream obscenities at the defenders then we applaud you. Again, thanks for reading and we hope to see you at Resurgence very soon! As for my Celvestians, remember to stay true to your heart of gold!

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • AgnitedFury, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • SanityCheck, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • Embresk, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • MysticCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Swordloxx, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Sketchys, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.


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