[TDW] The Admin Clause

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The Dark Warriors

The Admin Clause

‘Golden Era’

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of Gold."

[-Table of Contents-]


[1.0] - Introduction
[2.0] - Celvestian Philosophy
[3.0] - The Issue
[4.0] - How does it work?

  • [4.1] - The AC Laws
  • [4.2] - The Punishments

[5.0] - Conclusion

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:black_small_square:[1.0 | Introduction]:black_small_square:

This document is to briefly go over the admin clause that has been released for S & V Grade members to follow. This was voted in by the S & V Grades and it only affects the S & V Grade members. To summarize, this document is meant to prevent and punish the S & V Grade members who believe it’s okay to abuse the powers given to them. All ranks starting from Gradastian are affected by this document. This document has its own set of laws and issues that need to be addressed so S & V Grade members, new and old, understand how to use their admin privileges.

:black_small_square:[2.0 | Celvestian Philosophy]:black_small_square:

“Even the darkest of warriors have a heart of gold.”

“We’re a family. We’re a game studio. We’re war enthusiasts. We’re a role play group. We’re a community. We’re a hangout. We’re everything. We’re Celvestia.”

:black_small_square:[3.0 | The Issue]:black_small_square:

It all started with S & V Grade members taking advantage of training’s by using harmless commands that only affected themselves. However, as time went on it got increasingly prevalent that those same members are now using those commands to take over training’s without the hosts approval, using commands that directly affects the hosts’ concentration, and using commands that straight up interfere with the entire event. It has been a long running issue that needs to be addressed with its own document and set of rules so here we are. I won’t name the people who partook in this but you know who you are.

:black_small_square:[4.0 | How does it work?]:black_small_square:

If a host does not allow anyone to use their admin for specific reasons then every other rank should abide unless it’s for an emergency (example: someone is about to attack our base and we need more Celvestians present so you use the :M command). If the host feels as though a certain S & V Grade member has overstepped their privileges with admin then the host has every right to screenshot and record the member doing this as well as grabbing logs. Once the evidence is handed over to the Venerian Grade and/or the Venerius himself, then shall there be a vote to determine if what the S & V Grade member did is considered admin abuse. We will also take the S & V Grade members perspective as to why he/she used admin without the host’ approval. Now when we say “blacklist” below it does not mean they’re gone from the group, it means they’re barred from doing specifics things in the group for limited amounts of time. For example, let’s say HR 1 abuses her admin and gets herself in trouble and is found guilty. She loves to host game events. So we could potentially blacklist her from hosting her favorite event as a “kick in the face” reminder that we take things seriously around here. We base the “blacklist” off what the HR finds the most fun in or finds most important in his/her Celvestian career. It’s essentially like a student not having good grades and therefore can’t attend on the middle-of-the-year class trip to an amusement park for all the good students if that makes sense.

:black_small_square:[4.1 | The AC Laws]:black_small_square:

This is subject to change at any given moment and Celvestia will be notified of any changes made to it as time progresses on and more admin abuse instances occur.

AC Laws

  1. This is a given but admin abuse is never permitted.

  2. S & V Grade members may not use admin without the approval of the host.

  3. Commands like refresh and respawn are fine as long as their intent and context was innocent.

  4. Punishments are only handed out upon the final vote reaching a verdict of guilty for the S & V Grade member.

  5. Evidence should be in the form of videos and screenshots and there should always be logs provided as well. Witnesses can vary depending on legitimacy but no matter what we will need logs.

  6. Intense use of admin that disrupts the event flat out can and will result in higher degree punishments.

  7. Punishments below the 3rd degree may not be disputed by a judicial case, however, anything above the 3rd degree may.

  8. If a group of S & V Grade members are caught abusing admin then all of them will receive varied punishments based on the severity of the commands and how each command interfered with the event without the hosts’ approval.

  9. Admin abuse at joint events (whether on Celvestian or foreign soil) will result in higher tier punishments.

  10. Blacklisted S & V Grade members must still do their quota and all punishments will still apply.

  11. Using the kick and ban command inappropriately can result in higher tier punishments.

  12. If a S & V Grade member gets a 5th degree punishment then they must wait however long it takes until they’re deemed worthy enough to get the oath again with a vote approval needed as well.

  13. If an S & V Grade member has a 5th degree punishment on their record then it may be held against them in the future when considering Venerian Grade positions and so on.

  14. A Gradastian receiving a 4th degree punishment is the equivalent of an S & V Grade member receiving a 5th degree punishment.

  15. Admin that is used to demonstrate any form of favoritism or hatred towards a given player can and will result in higher tier punishments.

  16. Using admin when no events are taking place is still not allowed unless you get permission from a Venerian Grade member. However, if no one is in the server then you’re allowed to use admin without asking for permission.

  17. No loop holes.

  18. Use common sense.

:black_small_square:[4.2 | The Punishments]:black_small_square:

Punishment Degrees:

    First Degree - First time is a verbal warning.
    Second Degree - Second time is a one week blacklist from doing your favorite things.
    Third Degree - Third time is a one month blacklist from doing your favorite things.
    Fourth Degree - Fourth time is a one rank demotion.
    Fifth Degree - Fifth time is a demotion to M3.
    Sixth Degree - I will tell your mom.

:black_small_square:[5.0 | Conclusion]:black_small_square:

As time goes on we will be adding more to this document and I’m sure as more admin abuse cases pop-up, more laws will be added in response to those specific situations. Keep an eye on this document as it will change frequently especially with new Celvestians joining our S & V Grade ranks. Thank you for taking the time to read this document and remember to stay true to your heart of gold!

Signed by the Following:

  • TheCelvestian, Venerius of Celvestia.
  • CrimsonCelvestian, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • SanityCelvestian, Celvas of Celvestia.
  • ElderCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • AyyashCelvestian, Jakorious of Celvestia.
  • ThePurplestGuest, Beston of Celvestia.
  • NovaCelvestian, Beston of Celvestia.
  • Agreed upon by the Celvestian community.



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