Tea! - Promotion Guide


Promotion Guide


Greetings! Welcome to Tea!’s first ever copy of the promotion guide. This guide will inform you of our expectations, requirements and the things you will need to do to get promoted.

How do I become a Trainee?

Simply attend an interview session at one of the set times. The interview and training timetables can be found in The Hub’s description or in the handbook.

How do I become a Barista?

Simply attend and pass a Training at one of the set times. The interview and training timetables can be found in The Hub’s description or in the handbook.

How do I become an Experienced Barista?

Simply attend another training at one of the set times. The interview and training timetables can be found in The Hub’s description or in the handbook.

How do I become a Staff Assistant?

Staff Assistant Applications will open occasionally when the position has spaces available. We will announce whether the applications are open or not on our Discord server

How can I become a member of the Management team?

To become a part of the management team, you must be a Staff assistant. We open our applications to SAs when positions on the team are available.

How can I become a member of the Supervising Team?

To become a part of the Supervising Team, you must be a Staff assistant. We open our applications to SAs when positions on the team are available. Please note that there is a smaller amount of positions available on the Supervising Team.

How do I become an Administration Assistant?

We open applications for this position when a person is needed for the role. We announce their opening on our Discord Server.

Published on 21/8/20