Team and Group Rank Tag



Anyone know how to make this? It depends what team you are on (By divisions)

Like when your on a military police team, The rank will show your MP Rank and your Army Rank


You could insert a script inside the billboard gui that spawns on player’s head just like the one in the image you sent and write this for an example.

local billboardGui = script.Parent
local textlabel = billboardGui:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local character = script.Parent.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
local team = player.Team
local teamName = team.Name
local teamColor = team.TeamColor --only if you want the textlabel to be the color of the team

textlabel.Name = teamName..", "..player:GetRoleInGroup(id of group)..

Sorry if it doesn’t work i haven’t tested it, also sorry for the late response!