Anyone know how to make this? It depends what team you are on (By divisions)
Like when your on a military police team, The rank will show your MP Rank and your Army Rank
Anyone know how to make this? It depends what team you are on (By divisions)
Like when your on a military police team, The rank will show your MP Rank and your Army Rank
You could insert a script inside the billboard gui that spawns on player’s head just like the one in the image you sent and write this for an example.
local billboardGui = script.Parent
local textlabel = billboardGui:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local character = script.Parent.Parent
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
local team = player.Team
local teamName = team.Name
local teamColor = team.TeamColor --only if you want the textlabel to be the color of the team
textlabel.Name = teamName..", "..player:GetRoleInGroup(id of group)..
Sorry if it doesn’t work i haven’t tested it, also sorry for the late response!