Team arsanic is on the hunt for developers!

About us!
Hey there! We are Arsanic studios, a small startup development studio, looking to try to change the way people look at games, and say to the people which say “Oh hey, you won’t be able to do that, too complicated” that anything is possible.

The Team
@RaycastParameters - Scripting
@tommygamer127 - Storyline writing
We have more but I don’t think they ever joined the developer forum.

You can see our prototype game here: Scripting testing - Roblox

About the job

We are looking for developers in different areas, mostly building, and you must be able to collaborate effectively allowing progess to be made to the game, You must be able to listen to ideas, and even add your own into the game. You must be good working with a team, and being able to listen to other people.

Here at arsanic, payment isn’t really on our minds, so none of the other developers on our team want payment yet, all developers will get a percentage of earnings. If you really want payment, we can have a discussion.

Contact Us
You can contact us on discord at Hypno#0002
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


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