I would like to make a team based rank/XP system but I am not the best at scripting also I only know some basics at scripting but is it possible for a beginner like me to make such a system and if so how?
I am very new to scripting, I know some basics and continue to learn. I would just like some help from now on!
Since I’m new I ask for more help than usual, thanks!
A good start will be to look into Data Stores (roblox.com). They allow you to save data between sessions, which I believe is something you will want to do.
To get started I would also recommend looking into In-Game Leaderboards (roblox.com), they provide a fast and easy start to saving data regarding gameplay.
In the start you can save your rank/xp using leaderboards, should help get you started! When it comes to the actual rank/xp system, you would need to have a script (preferably a Module Script (roblox.com)).
If you don’t want to begin learning ModuleScripts (they are very powerful and I recommend you put the time and effort to learn them once you are more comfortable with your programming skills) it is still achievable through a regular script, except a bit harder to read.
Your regular script would need to be able to understand when you want the player to get xp as well as update the xp value of a player. For example, let’s say you have xp orbs. The script would need to know when a xp orb is touched and then add the correct amount of xp to the players xp.