Recently me and my friends have been making a large RPG Map and suddenly all the parts were moved around randomly and some were deleted , We are confident it was none of us and we have no idea what happend , Could anyone give us any ideas to fix this?
Revert Versions:
When you revert versions it should put you back at the previous version where nothing is wrong.
What Might have caused the Problem:
Unions sometimes act up. To fix this, group your unions so the game doesn’t delete them.
Either revert version or spam Ctrl Z. If the ladder works then cool, but here’s how you revert versions.
Thank you for the fast reply! Yeah we reverted versions but we are having this issue alot and we don’t know why we are also seeing models have this issue and a smaller scale where model parts get flung about,
Make sure everything is anchored so it doesn’t all fling. Also, remember to group your unions!
Its not that they gut flung when the game start its when we are building in studio? I wish i had a screenshot ill get one if it happens again.
weird. Try switching game ID’s. (Create a new place and copy paste everything there). Also check your scripts for viruses.
Will do hopefully it will resolve ill post back here if it happens again with a Screenshot again. Thanks for replying again.
No Problem, If that fixes it please mark it as solution.
Large maps or heavy detailed maps often do like that. Or you have a big union and it doesnt load correctly. Try to revert the version as @AidanPlaysYT_Real said or find a different way to complete a building without unions. Sadly, ROBLOX’s studio platform did not fixed the unions glitches and bugs.
Yeah, There is a fix. I tried to tell people but the moderators think it is fake. Group your unions and it will stop studio from detecting them. Then you can use unions without any trouble.
I tried that, my friend. As i said if you have large unions and try to group them everything works fine, as expected, BUT if you put a texture, some players won’t be able to see it or, in most cases, it will be invisible for players. The whole union will be invisible for some players. I searched far’n wide for a fix and couldn’t find. Other developers reported the same issue many times.
Okay, It does work for smaller unions though.
Indeed because smaller unions take less to load. If you put, for an example, a 200x200 studs complex union in a heavy detailed map AND put some textures just to test it, you will most likely have issues.
Yeah, that would ruin a lot XD