Hi, I am currently trying to make a tool that will change a players team. Here is how I’m doing it. I have a Gui pop up when you hold the tool
and for example, when you click the blue button it will Enable a script inside the tool that when you touch it, it will change the players team to the blue team. But I am having issues doing this because when I use a LocalScript inside the TextButton to Enable the team change script, it only Enables the script for the LocalPlayer. I believe this is occurring because I am using a LocalScript, so I used a normal Script instead and the Team Change Script didn’t even become enabled on the LocalPlayer. Here are my scripts
--This one is inside the blue textbutton
local frame = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character["Team Baton"]
frame.Blue.Disabled = false
frame.Green.Disabled = true
frame.LD.Disabled = true
frame.Purple.Disabled = true
frame.Red.Disabled = true
frame.Trainee.Disabled = true
--This is the one inside the Tool
local name = hit.parent.name
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(name)
player.TeamColor = BrickColor.new("Navy blue")
player.Neutral = false
Here is what the whole thing looks like in the explorer window (I know it’s messy)
Anyways, if you know what the issue is or how to fix it, anything helps and I will try everything.
Thanks and have a nice day!
So, I would recommend keeping the GUI handling from the LocalScript, then you can have a RemoteEvent fire when the player presses the gui.
I would recommend having a value that says which team that the tool needs to switch the player’s team to, instead of having a script for each team.
This is some code to get you in the right direction:
Local script:
local tool = script.Parent
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedService"):WaitForChild("TeamBatonEvent")
local whichTeam = script.Parent:WaitForChild("whichTeam")
local team = whichTeam.Value
Server script:
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedService"):WaitForChild("TeamBatonEvent")
event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, team)
teamcheck = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(team)
if teamcheck then
player.Team = teamcheck
For the gui’s have a localscript that changes a value and makes the value the name of the team that they pressed.(make sure it is a string value).
See if this helps, if not come back and we can help you further.
Hi, sorry for the delay, I was wondering how would I make it so when the player touched the baton it changes their team to the chosen one? Because we didn’t finish it entirely…
Upload this into your game, you will need to delete all of your scripts for the baton and the batongui. You then need to follow all of my instructions I provided in the model.
Let me know if this doesn’t work, and I will help you!
Best of luck!
So I tried it and it doesn’t work and I get this error in Output “Players.SmithGaming_YT.Backpack.Team Baton.Handle.TeamBaton:33: invalid argument #3 (string expected, got Instance)”
Hey! Got it to work: I forgot to reset the GUI’s visibility, so I fixed that. TeamBatonFixed.rbxl (31.8 KB)
Just remember that the Teams have to already exist for this to work, if you wanted it to create a team for you if it wasn’t there already that would take some more coding.