Team changer GUI help, check group table before creating team clone

Basically, I want this to check the player groups from the table and make sure they are in them before
creating the new team clone. This is being used for a team changer gui… and I just dont want people to be able to see each team unless they are in the groups in the table. Not really sure how to go about attack this I know how to get the players group role/rank and everything but not sure how would It actually look telling the script to check all instances in the table before cloning.

local groups = { 
	Westerosi = 12502458,
	Vhegaria = 33941379,
	"Bloodline of Vhegaria" == 7825194

default = script.Parent.Default:Clone()
for i,v in game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren() do
	newteam = default:Clone()
	newteam.Parent = script.Parent
	newteam.TeamName.Text = v.Name
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maybe some thing likeee…

if Teams.TeamName == player:GetRoleInGroups(groups) then

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or this if game.Players:GetRoleInGroups(groups{}) == game.Teams.TeamName then

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if game.Players:IsInGroup(table[1])  and
	game.Teams.TeamName == (table[1]) then

Closer to what I wanna do still not getting it right though…

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If I change the table to

local groups {

[1] { groupid = 000000,
groupid2 = 000000


[2] { (“Vhegaria”,”Blahblah”)


    • get team service and blah blah blah here

if game.Players:IsInGroup(table[1]) and
game.Teams.TeamName == tostring(table[2]) then

- - enter code here

Would something like this work?

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Or just Teams cause I’m finding a string in the table?

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local groups = {
Westerosi = 12502458,
Vhegaria = 33941379,
“Bloodline of Vhegaria” == 7825194

default = script.Parent.Default:Clone()
for i,v in game:GetService(“Teams”):GetChildren() do
If game.Players.LocalPlayer:IsInGroup(groups.Westerosi) then
newteam = default:Clone()
newteam.Parent = script.Parent
newteam.TeamName.Text = Westerosi
elseif game.Players.LocalPlayer:IsInGroup(groups.Vhegaria) then
newteam = default:Clone()
newteam.Parent = script.Parent
newteam.TeamName.Text = Vhegaria

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Check if they are in the group using the dictionary.


-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Teams = game:GetService("Teams")

-- Variables
local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local template = script.Parent.Default

-- Tables
local groups = {
	Westerosi = 12502458,
	Vhegaria = 33941379,
	["Bloodline of Vhegaria"] = 7825194

-- Functions
for _, team in Teams:GetTeams() do
	local teamName = team.Name
	if LocalPlayer:IsInGroup(groups[teamName]) then
		local newButton = template:Clone()
		newButton.TeamName.Text = teamName
		newButton.Visible = true
		newButton.Parent = script.Parent
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Thankkk youuuu will try this out right away

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nothing showing up still

works with this just doesn’t check for the groups first

default = script.Parent.Default:Clone()
for i,v in game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren() do
	newteam = default:Clone()
	newteam.Parent = script.Parent
	newteam.TeamName.Text = v.Name
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Did you name each team “Westerosi”, “Vhegaria”, and “Bloodline of Vhegaria”?

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yeah just double checked for spelling errors as well

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Can you show your explorer? I just want to make sure.

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Ok,the thing is u need to do this

If v:IsA(“your team name”) then


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How would I insert this exactly? Or where

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Did you make it a LocalScript?

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Bascially,inside your loop that you have created

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Just changed to a local script now, it’s popping up only Vhegaria, not the other teams

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And I’m unable to select the teams