Team Create and Chaos

Hello, I am Ryxku, and it has taken considerable time and effort to attain the necessary rank to address this critical issue on the DevForum concerning Team Create. This bug report represents my most complex bug to report, driven by a desire to contribute to help and save a lot of developers, as this issue posed a threat to both a friend and myself.

Team Create has proven to be an invaluable feature during my game development endeavors, fostering strong bonds and friendships with fellow Roblox enthusiasts. It served as a vital communication tool when we had no social links.
However, beneath its surface, Team Create harbors a perilous side, a facet that hasn’t always been prevalent.

Typically, the negative impact of Team Create arises when a trusted friend turns traitor, absconding with or maliciously deleting your game. That’s a rather obvious manifestation of the dark side. Yet, the true menace lies in the realm of being banned without sufficient information from moderators.

The process is seemingly straightforward: as the owner of a Roblox place, you bear full responsibility for any update &happening in your place. However, I contend that this system is inherently unfair. Drawing a parallel to real life, if a friend entrusted with safeguarding your property inadvertently sets your house in fire, justice would rightfully hold them accountable. Similarly, Team Create can lead to bans when a collaborator, unbeknownst to you, incorporates rule-breaking elements or duplicates copyrighted content into your creation.

The subsequent ban leaves you in a predicament, unaware of who tainted your work. Appeals to moderation become challenging when you lack access to your creations and informations.
Accusing friends becomes a desperate measure.

Reclaiming our old accounts seems a very hard task, given Roblox’s stringent rule that prohibits unbanning an account after one month. Although exceptions exist, such as individuals in the Star Program who can be unbanned for mysterious reasons, this rule remains relatively not famous for most of Roblox users. It’s as if a grim reaper looms over all of us, poised to banish our accounts at any unforeseen moment.

I find it troubling that Roblox influencers have not brought attention to this issue, perhaps because they are unaware of it.

Expected behavior

Now, I will propose several changes, acknowledging that not all can be done.
Firstly, when a bot detects a rule-breaking element in a map, users should be able to request a copy of the map in question to clarify matters.
Additionally, safeguards pop-ups could be implemented to prevent users from unintentionally affecting their accounts with problematic maps, like Pokémon Brick Bronze or +18 maps.
The act of updating a Roblox place can trigger a robot detection, leading to a ban.
This issue could be mitigated by updating a baseplate on the problematic map, ensuring that no rule violations are detected during the process.

The current bot tasked with detecting Pokémon copies appears ineffective, as people continue to exploit the game due to external data stores. Instead of focusing solely on these offenders, the bot often penalizes those who may have innocently interacted with the Roblox map. In my case, I was terminated in November 2021, and my Pokémon map had been broken and untouched since 2018. A Roblox staff member advised against touching the maps (even if I wanted to delete them permanently), only for someone else to enter and update it while I was offline, leading to my ban.

Thank you for reading.
If I haven’t been clear about something, you can ask me about it!

A private message is associated with this bug report


The flowery language and clickbaity title make this bug report insanely difficult to read and I wish you would remove it all but to get to the heart of the matter: you’re held accountable by moderation for things a collaborator does in your place. Roblox has a lot of this blanket accountability; places and groups hold the owner accountable regardless, and even player abuse of a feature en masse for rule-breaking activity is held against the creator rather than the players for allowing that venue to exist, even if unintentionally.

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Hi Colbert2677, I’m sorry if my bug report caught you off guard. The title was not crafted for clickbait purposes; rather, it aims to draw attention to a significant issue. Consider the plight of those who, like me, lose all their work in Roblox Studio because they forgot to save their games in .rbxl due to the amount of projects we make.

I haven’t talked about mass reporting a specific game; that’s an entirely different matter. It’s possible that you haven’t encountered this issue with the Team Create, making it difficult to grasp its complexities.
In my seven years on this platform, only one out of a hundred collaborators/friends I brought with in Team Create made a mistake.

The primary objective of this discussion is to raise awareness and prevent others from losing their hard work due to Team Create. I encourage you to revisit the details I’ve explained. Making this report took considerable time, and I hope you take the time to fully understand the gravity of the situation.

I understand your issue, and the topic of player feature abuse (not to be confused with mass reporting) was an example of prior art about how Roblox holds place hosts accountable for the actions of collaborators and players. I’m familiar with this because it’s something I’ve discussed and pointed out to other developers before.

That being said, my understanding or experience with this issue is irrelevant. The main point is that all the flavour text in the bug report and the clickbaity title make this bug report difficult to read and I would recommend using a title that clearly explains your issue and to get to the point with your report instead of needing to hunt to find the issue being reported. Bug reports should not read like stories; experience should be additional context for your report.

If you prefer, feel free to suggest an different topic title in english, as I currently don’t have any other ideas in mind.

Hey Ryxku, thanks for the feedback. As someone above mentioned it might be beneficial to keep your thread title descriptive with respect to your issue for future posts.

It seems like the gist here is “Roblox holds the owner of the asset (e.g. universe) accountable for moderation infringements on that asset, which caused some issues with a collaborator of mine doing actions I did not intend”. This sounds like a new feature, feature limitation, or an ask for a change to our policies, rather than a bug with Studio or Team Create.

I encourage you to post this problem as a feature request and try to focus a bit more on the problem you want us to solve in the title/body. Going to mark this as resolved for now since there doesn’t appear to be any technical bug here.


Hello Hooksmith, I understand it sounds like a feature than a bug. I’ll remake it later then.

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