Team Create + Attachments == Broken properties

I’m not sure what is happening, but when you instantiate Attachments in a BasePart in Team Create and try to edit its properties, fun things happen. And by fun things I mean, when you either change the Attachment’s Position or Rotation it works, but the second time it doesn’t register the edit. Additionally, the Attachment somehow seems to come alive sometimes…? (2).gif


  1. Create a new place.
  2. Go to edit and open the place to Team Create
  3. [Optional] Close and open the place again
  4. Insert a BasePart (a normal Part will do)
  5. Insert an Attachment into the BasePart.
  6. Edit its Position and Rotation property
  7. Notice how you cannot set its properties after the first time.

Expected behavior:
Setting the Attachment’s properties should work the same as for all other instances (i.e. not broken)

Also, question: Does anyone know a way around this bug for now? I’m working on something in Team Create which requires Constraints and Attachments, but if I can’t edit the Attachment’s properties I can’t work on it pretty much.

I’ve run into this behavior as well, I’ve been told it will be fixed soon.

I believe this bug has been fixed. Let us know if you have anymore troubles

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