Team Create Audit log

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to tell who is putting things into my game and know what they are adding with it.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would not get banned as much for other players actions, which I have no control of. This should be a team create feature and would make game managers jobs a lot easier with the fact that some other developers behavior is not very well. This feature would make game owners experience better and would decrease the amount of games getting deleted for other peoples actions.

The feature should include yellow flags with the players name next to it and when you right click on it, it should say “Show in explorer” or “Delete model” This feature would make my game management experience at least 90% better with game development experience.


Support! I always wanted to know what my buddy @Coloris_m is doing sometimes while working on our game, and other projects with buddies that might add sketchy models or viruses. :thinking:

Anyway, having the ability to see what people are doing inside studio and monitor what they’re doing with scripts, models or huge compartments like Workspace and ReplicatedStorage as sometimes I don’t know what they’ve added to the game

The only way to know what the user has added inside T.C is by flipping through Explorer tabs and see what they change in a model or script.

The flags and stuff is actually something neat that I would look forward to using as I want to see what they’ve done to Workspace, Properties tab, or maybe StarterGui so I can tell them to undo/revert what they’ve done that could cause havoc or make a script not work as it is.


This would be a useful feature. Not that you should be adding people you don’t trust anyway, but if you’re taking a risk with a developer you could keep tabs on them. Not to mention using this if you’re employing a developer and they say they did something, you can confirm and ensure they’re actually doing work.