Team Create members can't see the group's experiences page

I have a group in which I organise my game development. We have certain places for the task you are assigned to: Building, scripting and graphic design. I have corresponding roles in my group. I do not want a builder to have access to the scripting place and vice versa. Therefore I cannot give the role in the group the “creat and edit community experiences” permission, as it overrides the access to all places. (Image 1)

So, I manually give a group role editing permissions in the corresponding places. That works fine, and people that have the role are able to join the place and edit it. However, they do not have the ability to view the group’s experiences that they have access to via studio. (Image 2) This also does not show in the dashboard. They have no way of joining and editing the places they have access to.

Image 1:

Image 2:

Beta feauture enabled: Dragger QoL improvements

Expected behavior

What should happen is that when you give a group role access to certain places, they should be able to navigate to the group and the group’s places they have access to in studio and via the roblox dashboard.

Hey @buddyjip, thanks for posting about this. We’re aware of the confusion in the UI about this and we need to do a few projects before this can be fully addressed. We’re already working on the first of these projects.

In the mean-time, this is expected behavior / a known product limitation. We will address this as a feature request rather than as a bug, so I’ll close out this thread for clarity.

A workaround I can give you for the short-term is that places that you grant edit access to in this way should pop up for people under the “Shared with me” entry in Studio, even if you shared it with a role in a group rather than with 1 person:

Thanks again for bringing this up, we agree it’s something we need to improve so it shows up properly in Creator Hub views and under “Group Experiences” in Studio.

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