Team Create on Studio can create dozens of Instances of Studio when failing to auto-save on close

A bit of an edge case, but if your current instance of studio (in team create) is trying to auto-save and close, and for whatever reason it fails, it seems it can get trapped in a loop where it will open a new instance while the old one is still active. Then this new instance will also fail similarly causing a potential endless loop.

Here’s some screenshots showing the results:

Dozens of these modals stack on top of each other:

Logs are a bit chaotic to send since there’s a lot of them in a short period of time, but I’ll zip them all for you: (608.8 KB)

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Thanks for the report, looking into this. I’ll post an update here once we figure out exactly what is causing this to happen.

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After looking over the logs I wasn’t able to find anything that looked suspicious. In the future we’ll add some additional logging around the Team Create reconnect system so we’ll have more information to work with if this problem comes up again.

For now though I don’t think there is much else we can do here. Going to mark this thread as unable to reproduce. If you see this sort of error happen again, please file another report about it and link back to this thread.

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