Team Create Reverting Scripts/Objects

This problem has repeatedly happened in the past two weeks to me, so I thought I’d post it here.

I go into one team create to develop scripts and GUI objects, I then copy them to my clipboard and paste them in another team create. The GUI will be a previous version of itself, and the script will either be a previous version to or be replaced to “print(‘Hello, World!’)” depending on how long it’s been there.

Let me know if I’m just doing something wrong.

Hi! So you have to commit scripts. This is intentional behavior, and you have to turn it off to make sure it won’t do this behavior:

  1. Open Game Settings
  2. Open Options
  3. Turn this off:
  4. Reboot studio

Thank you, but though that may of been the cause for some issues with scripts, it doesn’t explain my problem with the UI.