Team create script lock doesn't work - Source becomes desynced

Just happened in this place:

  • I started writing into the script as usual
  • I noticed it said nomer was editing it
  • I asked nomer if he was and he said he was and closed it
  • I re-opened the script, my edits were still there
  • I copied the script contents and pasted over them to get the lock
  • I closed the script
  • Nomer checked the script
  • All his changes were gone

Please fix asap. This is a really bad bug.


I ran into this bug a few weeks ago when working with a team on a game before I was able to post to this forum, I’m surprised it took this long for it to be reported. In our case, I had finished editing the script and closed it long before someone else opened it to change some coordinates, accidentally reverting all my edits in the process. Thankfully, the game was published somewhere in between with the accidental reversion being the only edit since, so we were able to fix it pretty quickly–but it was a really stressful experience, and that person was afraid to touch any scripts I’d been editing recently for a while.

I had the same problem. I hope they fix it.

I wanna know when we can get live script editing, google docs style.

Wasn’t this shown off as a Hack Week project?

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This is veering into feature request territory - you should make a feature request for it.

(I swear I’ve seen discussion about it before but I can’t find it at the moment.)

(Discussion after this post should continue on the topic of the OP, not live script editing.)

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Thanks for this detailed repo. We have been noticing issues with the script editor in Team Create for a little while, and reports with detailed reproduction steps like this helps greatly. We will be looking at this issue as soon as we can.


This is happening with more frequency. It’s becoming a major efficiency problem for my team. Very frustrating to spend time working on something and have it disappear because TC never took the lock.