Team create taking hours to publish a game

(not sure why the image is being cut when I published this?) But basically the output says Saving to Roblox and in the top right corner where it has the status symbol it is green and says I have a stable connection

As you can see, I have stable connect, hit save to roblox and it’s been a minute and nothings happening. I had hit publish 10 minutes before this and it never published either (still waiting for the publish to go through)

This happens on and off. Some days team create is fine, other days it’s an absolute pain to work with and can take hours to get anything done.

Basically I can’t publish/save the game to roblox. I’m afraid to try closing and reopening the game because I would then lose all my work.

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Hi, NinjoOnline,

Since we cannot reproduce the issue, we need your help to analyze the issue.
If the issue occurs again, please don’t close or restart Studio, generate a full dump, and PM me the shared link to download. Also share us the Studio log files.

Please refer to below about how to generate full dump with windows task manager
And the log file can be found from below:

Thank you so much for your kind helps!
Best Regards,

Since the issue might be related to the incorrect handling of team-create disconnection notification in Studio, which is an issue hard to reproduce or even to be identified, there are some indication which might help:-)
Once it happens, you might noticed below:
1: You cannot see your team members’ operation in your Studio
2: When saving game to roblox, you only see the “Saving to Roblox…”, without the message like “Successful”
3: use procmon tool, configuring it to show UDP packets from Studio. As long as Studio team create is ok, you will always see a lot of entries. Once it is disconnected, no more entries. And the tool can auto scroll to the latest one.

Please refer to below about how to use procmon:-)
1: download “Sysinternal Suite”, which is a Microsoft tool for troubleshooting
https ://
2: unzip it to your tool folder, then launch “procmon.exe”
3: When procmon is launched, you will see the above “Process Monitor Filter” dialog
4: add the filter “Process Name” “is” “RobloxStudioBeta.exe”, then click “Add” button as shown in red circles
5: you will see the new added entry in the below list as shown in the red circle
6: click “Apply” button
Once you set the filter correctly, next time, when procmon launches, you will see your filter
7: click “OK” button to close the dialog
8: As shown in the red circle 2, uncheck other buttons, leaving only the “Show Network Activity” turn on
9: Choose menu “Filter” — “Drop Filtered Events”, make sure it is checked
10: Choose menu “Edit” – “Auto Scroll”, make sure it is checked
11: Then leave procmon.exe running, launch your Studio as normal until Studio crashes.

If using procmon, when sharing us the dump, please also share the procmon’s log file by below step:
12: in “procmon”, choose “File” — “Save…”, accept default setting, save the file, then share the “.PML” file with me

Interesting, the pasted image is cut. If needed, please right click the image, choose to open it in a new tab/page

@NinjoOnline, if possible could you also tell us which game is experiencing such issue recently? There might also be related to some random crash for the team-create server. Knowing the specific game can help us check the crash issue too. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

I ended up just saving a copy to my computer, turning team create off, opening the saved copy and publish the saved copy

Could it do with other people being on team create?? It’s happening again and I’m not sure if other people being in the team create is screwing with it. My friend left studio open and there in studio afk and it doesn’t publish, but when they are on and moving around I can publish. Trying to delete them from the team create also doesn’t work.

(have to open image in new tab to see the full image)
They get removed from the Team Create, but they are still in game (afk)

Thanks for your update. Sorry to hear the issue happens again.

The team create technically should work fine with multiple developer working together, one guy is away from keyboard should not block you.

Since so far, we could not reproduce the issue in office, and this issue absolutely has very high priority for us to analyze. I am wondering if you could invite me to your team-create game? I will be watching and monitoring the issue. Thanks a lot!

And you know, in my previous replies, if Studio is having such issue, please don’t close Studio, generate a full dump file, and PM me a shared link to download. And please also share the Studio log file.

Please refer to below about how to generate full dump with windows task manager

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,

I’m having the same issue, happens multiple times a week, basically I’m often publishing a big team create game and sometimes I have very slow internet and I realize it’s roblox studio consuming all my internet speed uploading the game? But it never finishes uploading

More information:
Studio freezes for a few seconds after clicking on publish, and then on the top right it says connection lost to the server.

I also have 3 instances of Roblox Studio open or 2 most of the time, all in team create

Also having some issues with team create. It seems like i’m unable to commit scripts, it resolves in 3-5 later or after I end a test session.


@sayer80 @MooseMakesStuff Could you please file new bug reports for your specific situations? This bug report is quite old (3+ years) and a lot has changed in the mean-time. We’d be happy to receive bug reports related to this that meet the bug reporting format! (e.g. include logs and other relevant information)

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Please file a new bug report if similar issues occur!