"Team Create with Hats" for free!

If you want to team create with hats, this is for you. Put this in the command bar:
local part = Instance.new("Part", workspace); part.Anchored = true; local mesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh", part); mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://14718311973"; mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.01,0.01,0.01); while wait() do part.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame end

You can add your hat at mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://14718311973"; , just change rbxassetid://14718311973 with your MeshId.

If you want to change the size, play around with mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.01,0.01,0.01);.

I have not figured out how to change the position yet, but when I do I will tell you here. You might not get the result you want at first, but if you try a bit you’ll get there.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


Team Create With Hats, the plugin IS free on github


You’re right! Thanks for the reply.


Why the hell is the dev selling a free plugin then?

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Never heard of Donations? Developer has to earn something at least from his work

roblox should have a clause somewhere saying that the platform should have the best deal possible. charging 5 bucks when it’s free is predatory.

add a tshirt to the plugin desc or file a feature request for donation-like purchases.

the $5 fee is required by roblox now. all robux purchase options were removed for some reason and it has affected a lot of us who only have access to robux. Either way, it shouldn’t be paid if you can get it for free.

“Guys, you can get my game for free but all of you who thought you had to pay and ended up paying it was uhhhh a donation.”

What you are paying for when you get it on the marketplace is:

  1. 1-click instalation
  2. 1-click updates
  3. On-platform discoverability.

Many plugins are offered for free as raw code on github by the original authors. This is also true for a lot of programming related resources. Anyone’s lack of looking into it or being upset that they paid through the Roblox sponsored store has only themselves to blame. Imagine being upset you could afford to buy it and support the person who made it and being upset that checks notes you didn’t get a tool to improve your workflow for free because checks notes again you didn’t look into it.


Yes, the Aseprite does the same thing.
Its paid to show the support to the creator, but at the same time its an Open Source program.
You literally can download the source code and compile the program yourself.
Author even made a tutorial on git about how to do that

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