'Team' objects not obeying listing order on default Roblox leaderboard

The ‘Team’ objects are not obeying listing order. Listing order meaning the developer chooses to insert/paste in teams in a certain order for Roblox to show it the same listing for everybody. This is extremely important to me as a developer with a segment of players who want to show off their status via team placement within my games. As developers we MUST have control over the team placements.

This bug is happening in live servers.
This started happening 7-27-20

Players reported this as a glitch in our discord bug report channel. This is happening in all of our games.

Steps to reproduce:
Create team objects in Roblox studio. Create them in the order you would like it. First created should make it go first in the listing. Second created goes second, etc.

The expected result is the Roblox engine should respect the developers intention in the way they inserted teams into the game.

The glitch is this is no longer the case.


This is also happening with the backpack for the tool order. Might need to create a different report for this but, thought id mention it as it might be related.

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I assume that I’m having a similar issue reported to me. As far as I can tell in studio, the teams are in the correct order (Drawing > Guessing) but are different for each player’s screen on occasion, making the overall experience feel messy and unorganized.

Expected Result:
Screen Shot 2020-07-28 at 2.15.13 AM

Glitched Result:

And if it helps at all, the first report I received regarding this issue came in on July 27th, 2020 @ 1:24pm PDT exactly.

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I noticed this randomly one or two weeks ago, but thankfully after another publish of the game it fixed itself. Whether that was a Roblox update being rolled back and therefore coincidence, I’m not sure.

I’ve not had any reports of it happening in our game since, but I’ll check again today to see if it’s come back. We have about 8 roles that are quite important to be in the correct order.

There are actually some leaderboard issues in SCR, but apparently only in some servers.

Edit: image

Thanks! Yeah it appears to be randomly happening everywhere then. Bit annoying

Well. I checked my own game now. Its the same issue SCR has. This is probably an roblox wide issue.

But, when I joined SCR in a vip server I got this issue aswell.

Team.LeaderboardLayoutOrder wen

idk something to control how it’s laid out in the leaderboard

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Thank you for the report, we think we have found and fixed the issue, teams should once again show up in the correct order.

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Painshinratensei, are you placing the tools in the StarterPack, or do you use a custom mechanism to build the backpack?

Placing the tools in StarterPack. Not a HopperBin, but a Tool. Not sure if it happens with HopperBins as well. This happened last week too, not only for my game but for some others as well.

Though checked just now and it seems to be fixed again.

Would you be willing to send me a link to your game so that I can peek further? I was able to reproduce the team order issue locally but I was unable to reproduce the backpack issue with simple tools in the StarterPack

Not sure if you mean sending a place file or a link to the game. Im unable to send the place file at the moment as I’m not on PC. The link to the game can be found here

The intended tool order would be:

  1. Shoot
  2. Pass
  3. Long
  4. Tackle
  5. Dribble

How it looks when it sorts wrong ( report by players )

Thanks, this is the information I needed :slight_smile:

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