Team ranks (Like on ER:LC)

Scripting Support

@mrfergie @Shawnyg @LostInfinity , How do you make a Team Ranks (Like on the police team, Cadet, officer, captain etc), since I am making like a cop Roleplay game so I want some stuff to be locked to a rank.

– Thanks to @RFL890 for the help, now it works!

Thank you in return
Best regards,
Finn, game scripture / builder

Games Featured: MrFergie’s Emergency Response: Liberty County, FinnsOfficial’s San Diego County.


Maybe expand on your question on what you’re trying to achieve. Your question is very vague.

first, type in the command bar,


Then find the Teams service in explorer, marked with a soccer ball. It should be beneath Players I think.
Then add a new Team inside Teams, set the Color of the team to whatever color, and name the team whatever team name.
Finally, to apply a team to a player, do

Player.Team = game:GetService('Teams'):WaitForChild('changetoteamname')
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try this

He doesn’t want to know how to make teams.

He wants specific ranks in each team, I think.

Question is too vague.

He just marked the answer as the solution, that was what he wanted.Screen Shot 2021-03-27 at 10.06.41 AM
Screen Shot 2021-03-27 at 10.06.51 AM

Police.Ranks = {
Well you could do that by making a new Stringand naming it the player’s name, and the string value being the rank.

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Okay well perhaps that was what he wanted. His question made me think otherwise.

@finnsofficial You could have easily found out how to add teams with a quick google search.

I know how to make teams, but I think it was the closest that people were gonna get, Im just going to try and make my own script.

Well you could do that by making a new StringValue every time a player joins and naming it the player’s name, and the value being the rank. (But if you want to display the separate subdivisions of each team, you would need a custom gui)