Team returns "None"

I want it to save whatever team the player is on for when they rejoin. When I print what team they are on, it says “None”, even though I was assigned to the “Lobby” team in my game.

Here is my code:

	-- Store player's current team in a variable before the player is removed
	local playerTeam = plr.Team and plr.Team.Name or "None"

	-- Save player's team
	print("Player's current team (stored): " .. playerTeam)

	if playerTeam ~= "None" then
		local teamSucc, teamErr = pcall(function()
			teamData:SetAsync(plr.UserId .. "-team", playerTeam)

		if teamSucc then
			print("Team successfully saved for player " .. plr.Name)
			warn("Error with saving team: " .. teamErr)
		print("Player " .. plr.Name .. " has no team to save.")

That’s because when a player is leaving they get removed from whatever team they’re in so it’s always nil. What I would do is set an attribute whenever the player changes teams because attributes don’t get deleted until the parent instance is fully deleted


You’re correct. I would use something like this: Player:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Team"):Connect(function(player) local playerTeam = player.Team end)

Make sure you’re able to define player beforehand. Also, if you’re doing it on the server, maybe use a table and store players, or modify how the variable is saved.

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Yes I tried something similar to @GrassnobladeAlt , and it worked! Thanks everyone for helping!

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