Team script help

How do I get the team’s total kills and then compare the other team’s kills to see who has the most kills


Well, we can’t just give you the script. Here’s what you can do.

  • First, get a table of the players in both teams. You can do this through the team:GetPlayers() method.
  • Secondly, iterate through the table. For each player, add their kills value to a main team counter.
  • Do this for both teams.
  • Compare the two values and do what you want with those two values. Remember to account for draws / ties.

If you need any help, let us know and we’ll help.

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How do I do this​​​​​​​​

local team = *team goes here*
for i,v in pairs(team:GetPlayers()) do
-- do stuff

I found an alternative to the script

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