Hello! so I’ve been thinking about how me and my brother always used to play these teamwork games, well I’m also trying to make my own and I want criticism on how its made, here’s what you can rate it off of.
The Game = 1 - 10
The Obbies = 1 - 5
– Max Points = 15. – You can also rate it off other things.
On the Tall Mountain stage, the left truss always had CanCollide to false even when I played it correctly with another player, so it was impossible to finish.
Definitely 1 of the more underrated genres you’d usually see in games like those, it’s not bad!
Although of course a couple of things can be changed about it:
I don’t know if it was just me, but the Buttons were delaying a little bit whenever they got pressed on (Might wanna fix that)
As @Friendly4Crafter mentioned, uh the left truss’s Collision on Stage 2 was disabled (Do double check for any other baseparts that could be left un-collidable)
You could add a more faster respawn time, and include Spawnpoints that change your Team upon entering a specific Stage so you don’t have to re-choose the Stage over again