Teamcreate is not publishing automatically, manual publish doesn't work either

Description of Bug:
I’m currently working with a friend as a collaborator on a place for the building challenge that ROBLOX recently announced. The problem is that whenever there’s something I make in studio, there’s a chance that it won’t publish even though I’ve been working on it for hours. I hear that teamcreate is supposed to save every 5 minutes, but this has not been happening for me. I have auto-save on, and I create recovery files (even though I actually don’t), but I’ve been checking the version history and I don’t see anything being published for the past 40 minutes now that I am actually checking. Trying to explicitly publish also does not work (the publish button).
I am not the owner of the place, I am a collaborator.

When the Bug Happens:
I cannot pinpoint exactly when it happens, but I do know that whenever I leave the teamcreate all the data that has not been published is lost and that publishing seems to occur unreliably.

When it started happening: It has been happening since we started this team create.

I don’t really have a way to do a video of this. All there is to this bug is that when I close studio, it doesn’t publish/update in the versions logs. Also, when I press the publish button in the Files tab, it won’t publish but also doesn’t tell me that it didn’t publish.


If you click on publish via the files tab then you would get a message at the output you can tell a bit more about it. I also do team create and I have never experienced this, only that revert version does not work at team create.

The problem is that it doesn’t give me any message at the bottom. I think I’ll try uninstalling and reinstalling studio later today.

Hi RamuneRain, some questions:

  • When you publish manually (File → Publish to Roblox), does the Output window display the message “[Place Name] was published successfully.”?

  • You mention that you are the collaborator and not the owner. Is the place owner experiencing these publish issues as well?

  • If you could please provide Studio logs from either this session or the next time it happens, that would be a big help in investigating the issue. Feel free to PM me if you are unsure of how to do this.


I’ve been getting some real output now that I’ve uninstalled and quickly re-installed studio, still the same problems but at least I get some response from publishing. I will get back to you on the second two points, but for the first question:

  1. When I publish manually, it always says “Failed to publish. Please try again later.” (Or something along those lines).

The problem stopped occurring :slight_smile: Not sure how it stopped, thanks for the help!

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