Teaser Video Feedback

I made a video for an upcoming game I’m making, and I’m wondering how I can improve upon it a bit more.

(Recommended in 1080p 60fps, only 30 seconds so I can publish it on Roblox)


Wow thats actually not bad! Looks really clean. Thought I would suggest imrproving the graphics when we transistion from the black and white to the actual game. Because it kinda ruins the vibe. I also checked the game out and its a solid 10/10! Amazing job.

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Looks really cool! The only thing I’d mention is that it’s hard to tell which way the character is facing in the black and white segment.

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That would make me play it!

Thats a 9.5/10

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That’s on Roblox’s end. Max graphics on Studio and Game, can’t seem to fix it. :frowning:

Then use blender ofcourse! Simpler camera movements, better graphics.

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This teaser trailer/video looks VERY good and well-made! I like the style of it! Nice job on this!

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Not fairly experienced with Blender, but I’ll give it a shot :slight_smile: