The Experian Empire
The Experian Accord
Article I: Regulations
Without order, the Empire will fall. Experians are expected to abide by and enforce these regulations.
- Respect Everyone
- Follow Orders from Superiors
- Do Not Spam
- Do Not Flame
- Do Not Exploit
- Remain Loyal
- Remain Mature
- Wear Appropriate Attire
Article II: Punishments
When regulations are not followed, punishment may be necessary for reconditioning purposes. Punishments are to be imposed by the Council on members who have failed to follow regulations.
- Warning
- Kill
- Kick
- Ban
- EXP Removal
- Exile by Council Vote
- Blacklist by Council Vote
Article III: Uniforms
The Experian uniform is your identification. It marks you as a soldier of the Empire, and should be worn proudly and honorably, or not at all.
Article IV: Ranks
- [N] Neophyte
- [H] Honored
- [D] Developer
- [A] Automation
Low Ranks:
- [L1] Guardian
- [L2] Auxiliary
- [L3] Centurion
- [L4] Legionnaire
- [L5] Sentinel
- [L6] Sentry
- [S1] Vanguard
- [S2] Luminary
- [O1] Praetor
- [O2] Archon
- [O3] Council
- [O4] Inheritor
- [E] Emperor
Article V: Progression
The Experian Empire uses a point system known as EXP to track progression.
EXP may be earned in many different ways:
- Training
- Defending
- Raiding
- Showing Respect
- Being Mature
- Obeying Orders
Each Low Rank is attained at a specific amount of EXP:
- [L2] Auxiliary: 25
- [L3] Centurion: 50
- [L4] Legionnaire: 100
- [L5] Sentinel: 200
- [L6] Sentry: 400
This document is UNFINISHED, may be edited at any time, and does not reflect the final Accord.
[X] Aethys, The Experian Emperor