Tekh Troll Edition: Commands

Hey! Keep in mind, some of these commands only work in the troll edition, and not in the main cafe. And, that currently, the commands will only work based on your Tekh rank.

:clown_face: Troll Cafe: Tekh Troll Edition - Roblox
:coffee: Actual Cafe: Tekh Cafe (TESTING) - Roblox


Guest or Higher:

  • “!kill” - Resets your own character.

Junior Barista or Higher:

  • “!give PLAYERNAME” - The item you have equipped is given to the player.

Intern or Higher:

  • “!kill PLAYERNAME” - Resets the player’s character.
  • “!tp ABC XYZ” - Teleports ABC to XYZ (ABC & XYZ can be a player, “others”, or “me”) .
  • “!kick ABC” - Kicks ABC out of the server (ABC can be “all”, “me” or a player).

Executive Assistant or Higher:

  • “!tban PLAYERNAME MINUTES REASON” - Bans a player from all servers for X amount of minutes.
  • “!ban PLAYERNAME REASON” - Bans a player from all servers.
  • “!chatlogs” - Opens a chatlog gui.

Deputy Director or Higher:

  • “!unban PLAYERID” - Unbans a player.
  • “!unban beachball X” - Spawns X amount of beachballs into the game.
  • “!player MUSICID” - Plays a Roblox song.
  • “!billymays” - :smirk:
  • “!announce MESSAGE” - Announces a message to the whole server.

More commands will be added in the future! Thanks!