Teleferic system a little bit buggy


I am making a basic cable car system, and everything works fine until I try to sit on the chairs of the model.

When I try to sit on the chairs, the model cabin comes off the wires and falls to the floor. Here is a video:

So, I want the cabin model to be moving when someone tries to get on it, but I have tried many things to fix it and it doesn’t work.

If you have any idea how to fix it, I’d really appreciate it :wink:

are you using any constraints to make it move?

It seems to be due to the cart being extremely light. Try increasing it’s density a bit more and I see that you are using constraints to increase the torque of the constraints.

No, there is a script in the cables that makes the model move.

This is the script:

while true do
script.Parent.Velocity = script.Parent.CFrame.lookVector *25

No wonder, you would have to use either constraints or cframing to fix the issue.

I don’t know much about constraints and stuff.

i would personally try using lerp first

if that doesent work use linear velocity (just a reminder i dont know alot about this)

There are many tutorials on the web, try watching those.

In the scripts found on the cables?


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