You can like check the properties in it, like is there any other property except BackgroundTransparency? I’m getting very sleepy so sry if I’m just making up suggestions.
BackgroundTransparency is set to 1
And it the transparency just stays at 1?
Oh wait I got it now! Pls wait for couple minute to show you the problem.
Oh nvm…
Wait, wdym by “Pls wait for couple minute to show you the problem.”
I was just pointing out the for loop thingy, I thought that you can make the 20 to 10 so 0.1 repeats 10 times and 0.1 x 10 = 1. If it’s 20, it would be 2. So your transparency would be -1. But I realized it doesn’t do anything to solve this. U can try if you want.
So you want me to replace the 20 with 10?
or just do like dis
for i = 1,0,-0.1 do
script.Parent.FadeFrame.BackgroundTransparency = i
and the other one:
for i = 0,1,0.1 do
script.Parent.FadeFrame.BackgroundTransparency = i
Alright, let me test this real quick
It kinda is a little glitchy when i test it. I’ll make a video
I’d rather add a second inside the wait function like
oh wait. did you use the debounce thing?
edito: The solution is to add a debounce and to fix the for-loop so the BackgroundTransparency goes from 1 to 0 and not 1 to -1 (which is optional but I did it anyway for good practices, even though he can use a TweenService for that). Also the OP fixed handling the parts in the Workspace but I am unsure how he did it.
like this is what he desired:
local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local part = workspace.Teleport1
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local debounce = false
if not debounce then
debounce = true
if hit.Parent == character then
script.Parent.FadeFrame.Visible = true
for i = 1,0,-0.1 do
script.Parent.FadeFrame.BackgroundTransparency = i
character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace.Teleport1Location.CFrame *,15,0)
for i = 0,1,0.1 do
script.Parent.FadeFrame.BackgroundTransparency = i
debounce = false
Finally! lol. Thank you for the help. I just have a quick question. In the video if you watch the gui, there is a little gap from the black gui and the top of the screen. Like I can see the map still at the very top. is there a way to fill it?
turn on IgnoreGuiInset
also i will edit the solution post later to add some description for other people to understand. and if you have any questions (for later), hit me up
Alright, thank you again so much!
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