Teleport() is broken

Self explanatory game:GetService(‘TeleportService’):Teleport(PlaceId,PlayerInstance) is broken.

Simple way of replicating this bug is by using CreatePlaceAsync in a universe and teleporting to that place, you will not receive an error or a message on your screen and you won’t be teleported either.

EDIT: It worked the other day and I haven’t updated it since until today to make sure that my scripting wasn’t wrong.

print('teleporting',Server,Player.Name) teleporting = true game:GetService('TeleportService'):Teleport(Server,Player)

Image of output

Here is the place it linked too, just incase someone thinks it is incorrect. Servers - Roblox

[strike]You don’t use Teleport to teleport players to specific instances. You have to use TeleportToPlaceInstance or something like that[/strike]

Guess I shouldn’t read quickly

[quote] You don’t use Teleport to teleport players to specific instances. You have to use TeleportToPlaceInstancdAsync or something like that [/quote]‘PlayerInstance’, he’s teleporting the Player found in the Players service.

I updated my post, it’s TeleportToPlaceInstance. Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I’m able to teleport between this normal place and this place created through CreatePlaceAsync without any issues. I ran it through the dev console command bar since the place is pretty much an empty baseplate. Does it only happen with places created recently maybe?

I think so, try out and see. :stuck_out_tongue:

Am able to teleport to this place that I just created with no issues.

That title scared me :o

Anyway, print the output to player.OnTeleport, see if it fires this event to show the different stages of the teleport and where it fails.

I was told that they are already working on the bug and I forgot to mention teleporting works in playsolo but not on client. :smiley:

I’m getting this issue as well, though I can only get it to happen about 50% of the time.

The bug was you can’t teleport serverside when the character isn’t spawned, they’re fixing it soon.