Teleport Player but with Feet on the Ground instead of the HumanoidRootPart

How can i teleport the Player without falling from the Sky to the Ground. The Feet should Teleport to the Position.

You can use RayCast and teleport the player to the position

There’s a Humanoid property called HipHeight which says how high the HumanoidRootPart is above the ground. You’d need a CFrame with position at, half the y size of the HumanoidRootPart + Humanoid.HipHeight, 0) + TpPosition where the last one is the surface you want to teleport to. You could add a vertical vector to the position of a part and raycast down, then TpPosition would be the hit position of the ray if it hits the part you want to tp to. This makes sure it’ll be correctly calculated even if the part is angled.

I don’t like that so I just use a very thin part to teleport to and add, 5, 0) to the CFrame position

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