How can i make players teleport to spesific part when timer ends?
It will not be all players to one part randomly, each player will be one position randomly.
like player 1 can go blue or player 2 can go pink but all will be on diffrent part.
Can somebody help?
You could setup a for loop that Teleports the player to the next spawn location
Yea it would be a loop but i don’t know how to make that teleport thing…
If you want it to be purely random, use math.random to index the part, then remove it from a table containing all the posible spawns. Here’s a simple function, set it up with your own code:
local function TeleportPlayers()
local Spawns = SpawnsFolder:GetChildren()
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local RandomSpawn = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)]
table.remove(Spawns, table.find(Spawns, RandomSpawn))
you can create an empty table, another table with all of the spawn parts and then make a loop for each player, in the loop define the random spawnpart so like
for i,v in charactersFolder:GetChildren() do
local randomPart
randomPart = spawnPartsTable[math.random(1,#spawnPartsTable)]
until not table.find(alreadyPickedParts,randomPart)
char.PrimaryPart.CFrame = randomPart.CFrame *,3,0)
thats it, it should work unless i made some mistakes try it out
I just made it like that but it didn’t work, sorry i am bad at scriptting, is that wrong? I made script in serverscriptservice
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local SpawnsFolder = game.Workspace.Holders
local function TeleportPlayers()
local Spawns = SpawnsFolder:GetChildren()
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local RandomSpawn = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)]
table.remove(Spawns, table.find(Spawns, RandomSpawn))
you need to call the functions too
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local SpawnsFolder = game.Workspace.Holders
local function TeleportPlayers()
local Spawns = SpawnsFolder:GetChildren()
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local RandomSpawn = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)]
table.remove(Spawns, table.find(Spawns, RandomSpawn))
do that
It didn’t teleported me to parts too… Am i missing something?
are you sure? did you get any errors or something, it should work
Not even one error. I don’t know why.
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local spawnPartsTable = game.Workspace.Holders:GetChildren()
local alreadyPickedParts = {}
for i,v in players:GetPlayers(plr) do
local character = plr.Character
local randomPart
randomPart = spawnPartsTable[math.random(1,#spawnPartsTable)]
until not table.find(alreadyPickedParts,randomPart)
character.PrimaryPart.CFrame = randomPart.CFrame *,3,0)
try my version out
You’re probably calling the function before any player has loaded in. Try using a wait, or a loop to wait for a client to join before you call the function:
repeat task.wait(1) until #Players:GetPlayers() >= 1
This one didn’t helped sir. No Error no Teleport, maybe he is right, it try teleport before char loaded.
Did you call the function somewhere in the script?
yeah add the code he provided and both versions should work, if you want it to wait until a certain amount of players are ingame just change the 1 to whatever number of players you want
To add on, you’ll probably have to wait for the character to load too, you can create a variable and use CharacterAdded to wait for it.
local Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
All of this isn’t really necessary if you implement the function to your system though.
Okay now i made thoose after ride your all messages
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local SpawnsFolder = game.Workspace.Holders
local function TeleportPlayers()
local Spawns = SpawnsFolder:GetChildren()
repeat task.wait(1)
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local RandomSpawn = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)]
table.remove(Spawns, table.find(Spawns, RandomSpawn))
until #Players:GetPlayers() >= 1
and i get this error now.
ServerScriptService.Teleport:11: attempt to index nil with ‘MoveTo’ - Server - Teleport:11
As I said, this happens because the script thinks the character doesn’t exist (because it hasn’t loaded yet). Replace the error line by using the variable I provided you in the above post.
Thank you, and all for helping it works now!
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