Teleport script unable to teleport individual players after one has been teleported

I’ve been working on this teleport script, though while testing no more players will be teleported after a player hits the part.

Script |

local Spawns = game.Workspace.Lobby.Map:FindFirstChild("Spawns"):GetChildren()
local Teleports = game.Workspace.Stages:FindFirstChild("Teleports")

local Debounce = false

	if Debounce then return end
	Debounce = true
	local PlayerStats = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)

	if Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value >= 0 then
		local Player = Hit.Parent
		Player.Torso.CFrame = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)].CFrame
		PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value = PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value + 10
		if PlayerStats.DoubleXP.Value == true then
			PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value = PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value + 10
			Debounce = false

At first glance, I would try splitting the ‘if hit.Parent’ and Playerstats conditional into two separate conditionals and putting the ;Getplayer from character’ call in between them and see if that works.

Okay, I’ll trying formatting the script in that way.

Sorry mistyped and corrected - i meant put the ‘Getplayer from Character’ between the two conditionals - sry!

It’s okay, though I’m kinda confused on the way the “Getplayer from Character” is formatted between the two conditionals. If possible, could you show the way it should be formatted please.

You set your Debounce back to false inside your Double XP conditional check, why is probably why it’s not working for other players since it’s still set to true
try this:

local Spawns = game.Workspace.Lobby.Map:FindFirstChild("Spawns"):GetChildren()
local Teleports = game.Workspace.Stages:FindFirstChild("Teleports")

local Debounce = false

	if Debounce then return end
	Debounce = true
	local PlayerStats = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Hit.Parent)

	if Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value >= 0 then
		local Player = Hit.Parent
		Player.Torso.CFrame = Spawns[math.random(1, #Spawns)].CFrame
		PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value = PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value + 10
		if PlayerStats.DoubleXP.Value == true then
			PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value = PlayerStats.leaderstats.XP.Value + 10

		Debounce = false
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Thanks, this new script works!

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