Teleport Service Unavailable



After working a bit on my game I decided to test it in game, but it seems like the teleportservice isn’t working (more precisely the reserve server, even though the place ID does exist and is located in the game). I tried reconnecting mulptiple times but it’s still happening. Any fix ?

local Success, AccessCode = pcall(TeleportService:ReserveServer(PlaceId))
 -- error happening here, telling me the service is unavailable


Also :


If the service is temporarily unavailable then you probably did everything right, so I think this is a problem with Roblox. In the mean time maybe check the status.

I should note that as of now, it says everything is working right, so I have no idea.

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Yeah, the reason I came here was because there was nothing abnormal on the roblox status page, so I thought I was doing smthing wrong. Guess i’ll have to wait and see if it’s persisting.

I think roblox services might be down, I’m getting all sorts of error on my end.

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At the moment Roblox is very laggy (at least in the studio), I’m getting errors from things that worked before etc, so don’t worry.