Teleportation to others areas of the map

Hello. I’m new to scripting so I’m creating projects for learning purposes. The first thing I want to learn how to do is having the player to other places around the map. I searched for tutorials on YouTube for help but I got tutorials on teleportation to different games. And on the dev forum I got different topics. How do I do it?

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In the character, there is something called a HumanoidRootPart. Just change the CFrame of the HumanoidRootPart to where you want them to teleport.


You can use “HumanoidRootPart”, a child of the player’s character. Just make sure to add a vector3 value so that they don’t get stuck when teleported (this is if you’re teleporting them to a part). There are also many ways to teleport the character such as: MoveTo(). Most commonly used is CFrame.

The Developer Wiki has articles about teleporting.