Teleporter in my game keeps breaking

Hi! I am having some problems with my teleporters in my game. I often get reports from players that the teleporters sometimes break, leaving most players in a server stuck in a single room. Here is the code, with some comments to help anyone understand why things are the way they are.

DestinationPos = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.tp2.tpto1.Position --The coordinates the player is teleported to
sound = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.tp2.tp2.pop --A sound effect that plays at the teleporter's destination target
local Remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.ambient --To change the lighting to whatever I need it to be
local Remote2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.fade --A fadeout transition
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
db = false

function teleport() --The function that is triggered when the player touches the teleporter
	local player = Players:getPlayerFromCharacter(hit2.Parent)
	hit2.Parent.Torso.CFrame =
	Remote:FireClient(player,"forest") --Changes lighting to the "forest" lighting
	if player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("emotegui") then --The game contains morphs. This code checks what character the player is, and if it is a certain character, then the sound effect won't play.
		local charactercheck = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("emotegui").Frame.character.Value
		if charactercheck ~= "something" then

function onTouched(hit)
	if not db then
		if hit.Name == "Torso" then
			hit2 = hit
		elseif hit.Name == "Left Leg" or hit.Name == "Right Leg" or hit.Name == "Left Arm" or hit.Name == "Right Arm" or hit.Name == "Head" or hit.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then
			hit2 = hit.Parent.Torso
			if hit.Parent.Parent.Torso then
				hit2 = hit.Parent.Parent.Torso --I do these checks in case any part not located inside of a player comes in contact with the teleporter which would cause it to break. This still doesn't fix my issue.
		if hit2.Name == "Torso" then --Call the teleport function if the hit2 ends up as "Torso"
			db = true
			db = false


If anyone with more coding experience than me could look this over and find an issue with it, that would be much appreciated! This is a really annoying bug for me because it always happens while I am not in the server, and I cannot find an error message in the F9 menu. If you need more information than this, just ask. Thank you!

It most likely happens when 2 or more players touch the part at the same time, you’re saving the players to a variable everytime they touch the part, could it be that player1 gets overlapped by player2 when player2 gets on the teleporter a slightly bit after player1?

And because you also have waits, so the hit2 variable can change to another player anytime someone touches it during the wait().

Can’t you just use one function instead of two? Using 2 at once with intersecting variables can mess up the thing.

Interesting, never thought about that. I’ll move the debounce resetter to the teleport function instead of the hit function. Thank you for pointing that out.

It used to be all one function, but I decided it would be easier to adjust with two functions since I use multiple teleporters that all do different things with the client.

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