Teleporting parts Problem CFrame!

For some reason does one of the parts the one thats small that part teleport furter than the other ones because I tought they where all going to teleport + 34 studs in the X but I don’t know why this happends so can someone help me!?! or maybe I could teleport the model but idk how!

	for i,v in pairs(winnersPlace:GetChildren()) do
		local amountOfRows = #platesFolder:GetChildren()
		local lastRow = platesFolder:FindFirstChild("Row"..tostring(amountOfRows))
		local lastPlate = lastRow:FindFirstChild("Plate")
		local xPosLastPlate = lastPlate.CFrame.Position.X
		local newXPosition = xPosLastPlate + 34
		local oldYPos = v.CFrame.Position.Y
		local oldZPos = v.CFrame.Position.Z
		local oldRotation = v.CFrame
		v.CFrame =, oldYPos, oldZPos) * oldRotation.Rotation

Hey @pasje1312,
You can move a Model by using Model:MoveTo(Vector3).

For your case though, I recommend using Model:TranslateBy(Vector3) as it will shift the model by the Vector3 just like you want.

An example would be:

winnersPlace:TranslateBy(, 0, 0))

This will move your model 34 studs from where it is on the X axis. Don’t forget to set a PrimaryPart for your model.

it needs to go + 34 from the position of the last row/plate

So how big are your ‘plates’?
Use TranslateBy as @LoadsOfMoney123 suggested.
For example if plates are 4 studs x 4 studs and you have a 10 x 10 grid (change the values to whatever your plate size and grid size is).
Multiply the plate size (4) by the grid size (10) to get 40 studs.
Then add your 40 stud grid size + 4 studs (the width of 1 plate) to calculate your outside width of the grid.
Add that value (44 studs) to your 34 studs movement distance.
This will move all the parts from the end of the last plate + 34 studs to the start of the next plate so it has 34 studs between those edges.