Teleporting players to the actual "game server" from the "lobby server"

Hello, I’ve been struggling to understand of how teleport service works to reach one of my goals.
So what I’m trying to achieve is to teleport around 20 players from the “lobby server” to a cloned copy of the “game server,” similar to Dungeon Quest and R2D’s System.
My goal is to use a vehicle with 20 players max in the starter server, to transport them to the game server (teleporting to the game server where they will spawn in the same vehicle)
I’ve tried using the Roblox Wiki but I’m getting really confused reading through it so if anyone can explain how I can do this I’d greatly appreciate it!


What exactly do you want to do?

So I want to transport players to a secondary place where the game actually is, the starter place will be a lobby. Like dungeon quest where they start of in the lobby server and once the player que is full (my player que will be 20 players) it will teleport them to a new place where the action/game will start.

Found this tutorial via a quick Google search but didn’t read it as I’m on mobile. Please let me know if this helps.

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This isn’t an XY problem. The X is clearly defined as wanting to teleport a party of players to a place instance. There is no Y or a problem with Y trying to be solved. That’s why I like to share the thread I wrote on it, rather than jump straight to the site, because I tried to dumb it down as much as I could.

Nearly everything you do here is going to require the use of the TeleportService. Here’s what you need.

Ensure that your game’s places are set up. Have the lobby as the Start Place and then your “dungeons” or whatever as the subplaces. Now, hop into the coding.

The functions you will need are as follows:

  • ReserveServer to open up a new instance in one of your places - this is determined by settings from the lobby
  • TeleportToPrivateServer to get players to the server you created with ReserveServer (do NOT use TeleportPartyAsync! it does not support teleporting to specified JobIds!)
  • TeleportPartyAsync for returning a group to the lobby (use this if you don’t need to open a new instance and you want to teleport multiple players)

These articles have enough information, so spend a bit of time looking through them. The rest is up to you.


@TheodoreBalfour Thank you for this article!
@colbert2677 I re-read the title but it does say to teleport players to the game server from the lobby server, not game to lobby. Also thank you for providing me with the specific teleport service methods I will definitely look into this!


I misread your post and have made a correction to my response.