Teleporting to reserved server with code generates a different code

I’ve been experimenting with teleportservice for a while now, and I’ve ran into an issue,
imagine this:
You create a reserved server code with the teleportservice,
You save it inside a datastore
After a day or so, you wanna
join the reserved server with that code that you saved inside your datastore
But it generates a new code upon teleporting and loading into the place

I’ve read a topic that tells reserved codes never get deleted but the servers will go offline
Now I need a fix
Here’s my code for joining the world:

	script.LocalScript.Disabled = false
	local options ="TeleportOptions")
	options.ReservedServerAccessCode = script.Parent.Code.Value <--- already checked here and its correct but it generates another code at the next code block
	options.ShouldReserveServer = false
	TeleportService:TeleportAsync(14424657227, {script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent}, options)

And here’s my code in the place that players will get teleported:


local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DS = DSS:GetDataStore("WorldsSaveSystem_V1")

local save = DS:GetAsync("Worlds")

print(game.PrivateServerId) <--- here it prints a different code

for i, v in pairs(save) do
	if v["Code"] == game.PrivateServerId then
		for _, a in pairs(v["Blocks"]) do
			if a["BlockType"] == "SpawnLocation" then
				local part ="SpawnLocation", workspace)
				part.Anchored = true
				part.Size =["BlockSize"], ",")[1]), tonumber(string.split(a["BlockSize"], ",")[2]), tonumber(string.split(a["BlockSize"], ",")[3]))
				part.Position =["BlockPos"], ",")[1]), tonumber(string.split(a["BlockPos"], ",")[2]), tonumber(string.split(a["BlockPos"], ",")[3]))
				part.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
				part.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth

for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do



Have you tried using TeleportToPrivateServer instead of TeleportAsync?

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Sadly it didn’t change anything.

I think i’ve found the solution, one second please.

If it worked please let me know

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There we go, found the problem
Sadly, your solution did not help me but I found out that when I use ReserveServer(place id here), it
gives me a code with no “-” but whenever I get teleported to the place, and use game.PrivateServerId it returns a different code, there must be something wrong.

I think I know what to do:
I’ll just store the privateserverid in the datastore aswell with that said, I can get this working!
Thanks for your help tho.

Great to hear that you found your solution!

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