Teleports / joins temporarily hang on certain devices

This has been an ongoing issue that has been disrupting me for the past few months but I was under the assumption that this was intended behaviour since it is a short length of time and 100% consistent for me; my friend recently pointed out to me that they do not experience this themselves and that this is a bug. On affected applications / conditions (which I am yet to fully diagnose); the following appears to be true:

  • Joining experiences via the app hangs (with a “not-responding” message; the application refuses to open if it was minimised for this duration too) for >3 seconds
  • Teleporting via TeleportService hangs for >3 seconds (without a “not-responding” message)
  • Joining experiences via the website plays game audio for a few seconds before rendering the application in the task bar and to the screen (I’m unsure if this is 100% related but my friend does not have this issue, while I do)

System info:
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
Memory: 16 GB

I have attached a log file in the private section of this bug report of me joining Doors via the app and teleporting to a solo run and quickly leaving after the teleport had hung.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Thanks for reporting. We will look into this.


Hi @Abcreator, thanks for reporting the issue. Can you reproduce and send us a few more log files for diagnosis if possible? Even better, enabling the Micro Profiler in Settings and trying to reproduce it’ll give us much more information to investigate the issue. Thank you.

Hi @Abcreator ! Is there any chance that you have a secondary device?
It will be helpful for us if you can try the same experience on your secondary device using the same network and see if the issue still persists.

Just a question since i have kinda the same problem. Does you game also sometimes just closes without an Crash message popup after the 3 seconds when being Teleported?

Hey there, I have a mobile device which is unaffected by this bug even when on the same network, unfortunately I do not have another computer to connect up to the network and test.

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I have attached a new log and microprofiler dump to the private message.

If you run the following command in the command prompt on your device

curl "" --verbose

how long does it take to complete? If it doesn’t complete near-instantaneously, can you send us the output of that command?

I recieve an error when running this in my command prompt (which I have attached to the private message); visiting this page in my web browser returns a response at a reasonable response time (249ms) however.

Thanks! That error is interesting. Can you try with curl "" --verbose --ssl-revoke-best-effort and post the results to the bug PM?

Can you run dxdiag, save all information, and attach that to the bug PM as well?

And if you search for “manage computer certificates” in the start menu and open certmgr, go to Certificates - Current User > Personal > Certificates, do you see anything of interest in that window? On most non-engineering machines it is probably empty aside from maybe a VPN, and we ship certs with the app so this won’t include your Roblox client certs either, but the error you posted earlier points to a cert problem, so I wonder if we might spot anything in this diagnostic that would help shine a clue (e.g. point to some cert manager on your machine that is causing conflicts)

I have provided this extra information in the PM :+1:

Does the issue still happen if you do this?

The issue no longer occurs when this fflag is switched off, joins via the website still hang with no rendering but given that all the other symptoms are gone I can assume that this issue has a different underlying cause to that.