TeleportService Questions

I’ve been working on a Tag Game. I’ve made a Pro Server and when I update the main game, I have to manually update the Pro Server with the same changes as the main game aswell. Is there any way to make a new place, even though theres only 1 place?

Summary: I would like help making a system that has 2 Servers using 1 Place.

You could use reserved servers and check if its an reserved server then do some stuff for only pro servers TeleportService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub also check this out Memory Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Could you give me example script(s) on how I could do this? (Just so I don’t do anything wrong, and to refresh my mind on reserved servers)

Like how I could reserve the server, how I could get the access code, etc.

Or, you could share videos that use reserved servers and stuff.

Nevermind, managed to do it using Suphi Kaner’s tutorial.

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