TeleportService:TeleportAsync fails due to "A specified Member cannot join the Destination Place" error

Hi @NinjaFurfante07,

Could you please confirm the source place for 17661920810?

Thank you!

I have been experiencing this exact same issue as well, I’m glad Roblox is looking into it already though.

17661920810 is the root place ID while 91256466420414 is the target place ID.

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Hi @NinjaFurfante07,

Could you give it another try? We’ve released a new service that should now log details about which users were prevented from teleporting and the reasons behind it.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

I don’t see anything else other than the generic error message above in the developer console (Server).

Oops, I forgot to mention that we can only check this on our end! :sweat_smile:

We’ve received the logs, and it looks like the issue is related to the maturity rating for your test place. Would you be able to complete the experience questionnaire and give it another try?

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to Roblox Creator Dashboard
  2. Select the experience
  3. Navigate to AudienceMaturity & Compliance

Let us know how it goes!


Submitting the questionnaire fixed the issue but I don’t get why that would be a requirement only when teleporting players in groups and not individually, besides I am pretty sure players could join the target place directly if I enabled the option in settings.

Would you be able to share why maturity rating was an issue when both my accounts are allowed to join 13+ games?

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I’m glad we found a workaround for now! We’ll follow up with the internal team and keep you updated if there are any changes.

Thank you!

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im having this issue as well.
Screenshot 2025-01-21 105233
Screenshot 2025-01-22 021245
Screenshot 2025-01-22 022353

Just tried it and the workaround does indeed enable group teleportation, however, do y’all realize that completing the last question sends the dev to a “START QUESTIONNAIRE” webpage? Kind of confusing.

edit: to be accurate, finishing the Questionnaire send the user to a page titled “Questionnaire Not Started”