TeleportService:TeleportAsync fails due to "A specified Member cannot join the Destination Place" error

For the past few days developers have been encountering the error “A specified Member cannot join the Destination Place” when teleporting a group of players to another place.

I’ve also experienced this error yesterday while trying out the new party feature, however I don’t have any data to back this so take it as an anecdote.

Calling TeleportService:TeleportAsync() with a table containing multiple players as the players argument throws the error A specified Member cannot join the Destination Place, while it’s not thrown when teleporting a single player.

I’ve created a repro place to test this. The subplace is published and the other player has play access to it.

My place is private, however another user is encountering the same issue and his place is public.

Repro code (ServerScriptService):

local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportEveryone

	TeleportService:TeleportAsync(91256466420414, game.Players:GetPlayers())

Another instance of the issue: Teleport service error.


I’m experiencing this issue too. For me, it’s happening when I’m trying to teleport people with “Play” permissions in a privated game to a subplace of that same game. If everyone in the server has “Edit” permissions, the issue doesn’t happen.


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Seems to be occuring for TeleportPartyAsync as well. I am also experiencing this in my game which is set to private.

Also having the same problem with TeleportPartyAsync and TeleportAsync. works fine if everybody teleporting has edit access though.

You shouldn’t use TeleportPartyAsync().

This method should not be used for new work; the numerous teleport functions have been combined into a single method, TeleportAsync(), which should be used instead.

this is still happening to me, is it still happening for anyone else?

Still happening for me. It works if everybody that’s teleporting has edit access, so for now I’m managing by just testing with other developers. Still quite annoying however, I hope it is fixed soon.