Tell me why the game get's so many dislikes please

I do get that this is a trashy game idea but Like to Dislike ratio normaly would indicate Expectations vs Experience and I’d say I did a great job compared to what you would expect from this, so…? am I missing something? Is there a bug… or did I make it too scary for the ipad kids?

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I recently played your game, and it was fantastic to play! There’s only one thing I have to criticize though: lack of instructions. It may have been part of your idea, but most people appreciate some sort of idea or guidance, as most of the time, which meant people either hid inside of the safehouse, or did what I did I, which was just wandering around the place. When I found something interesting, finishing it always led me back to square one, as it seemed like it did nothing, and I couldn’t ever tell if it did. Press, and hope for the best. Overall, the rest of the game was great, but that was the biggest thing that kept me from playing longer, as it isn’t fun to have a game nudge you how to do anything but having no instructions isn’t that fun either in my opinion.

(If I misunderstood your game, or missed a key concept that invalidates my criticism, feel free to tell me! I don’t want to be telling misinformation if you already accounted for it.)

Thank you I thought everyone here would be more harsh towards this game :slight_smile:
You did actually miss a few tips! This would be the most important one!

The other one is that when you collect a cross one of these becomes glowing white to indicate you putting it there, but since you missed it I think its not clear enough and I can definitely make it more so!

Alright, thanks for correcting me, and taking my feedback into consideration! I probably missed a lot of stuff, as the game is very dark with the environment, and hard to see. Appreciate it as always :wink: !

EDIT: Something I would like to mention is that playing with a friend/buddy makes the game a lot more fun! It helped me get a sense of direction, which was my main criticism. My point being is that if you play this game, grab a friend along! I promise, having a buddy will be a life saver in this game!

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