Temp Ban System outputting a dictionary error

I am trying to make a temp ban system. This is how I always do it but for some reason it is returning a stupid error

local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
			GameBan:SetAsync(tostring(UserID), {TimeOfBan = os.time(), LengthOfBan = tonumber(BanTime), ReasonForBan = Reason, Days = '31 Days'})
		if success then
			print('Successfully Banned')
		if not success then
			print('Error - '..errormessage)

I have checked over everything but it keeps returning this error

It is legit the same as everything I’ve done before

Can you show the values you are storing in the table?

Nevermind. I worked out why. I was firing over instances not actually the text from the username and reason textbooks. It only just came to my mind to check the local script and its now working.